Pain free north west

150-152 Cumberland Street Macclesfield SK101BP
07749 414539 Click to call

About Pain free north west

Why is Pain free north west the best choice for you?

Are you in pain? I can help! I specialise in the Bowen Technique and have trained with the top Australian teachers of this therapy who have worked with those trained by Tom Bowen himself. I assess each client structurally to determine where their problem is coming from, rather than chasing pain around the body. I then tailor my treatments to address the cause of the pain. This means that fewer treatments are needed and results are usually long-lasting. Bowen is gentle, non-invasive but extremely effective. It is suitable for ages, from newborn to the elderly. Treatment can be performed through light clothing, so no need to take your clothes off. Many people have come to Bowen as a last resort to get rid of their pain, having tried many other therapies, and have been amazed by the results. Call to see how Bowen can help you


Pain free north west in short

Services / therapy / medical cures

Bowen Technique

open in the evening


Our location

Pain free north west

150-152 Cumberland Street Macclesfield SK101BP
07749 414539 Click to call